Full text: Study week on the econometric approach to development planning

which would suddenly change the whole structure of society 
to make it fit for rapid development of science and economic 
progress. The other alternative is deliberately to build up the 
foundation of science-oriented education and research to pro- 
mote the modernisation of society in a peaceful way, and make 
conditions favourable for economic development. 
7-4. Aid for scientific and economic development from either 
the western or the eastern countries, even when given in a spirit 
of competition, would be cooperative in effect. In any event, 
competition in constructive tasks of building up scientific foun- 
dations in developing countries is less dangerous and is likely 
to be far more useful than competition in the methodologies 
of warfare. Also, collaboration in promoting education and 
research in pure science can be pursued without any threat 
t0 national security or national interests, and would be of great 
help in promoting a rapid advance of the underdeveloped coun- 
tries and in fostering better understanding among the nations 
of the world. The advanced countries have a great opportunity 
for peaceful cooperation in giving aid for science 
This pamphlet has not yet been published in any journal and is being 
printed for private circulation. Certain aspects of these problems were 
discussed by me in articles and addresses between 1955 and 1959 which 
were reprinted in Talks on Planning (1961), and in other articles such as 
A Note on Problems of Scientific Personnel (1959), Recent Developments 
in the Organisation of Science in India (1959), and a lecture at Sofia 
University in December 1961. Some of the ideas given in the present 
pamphlet were presented by me before a Conference on International 
Cooperation in Salzburg-Vienna in July 1962. 
Professor P. M. S. Blackett in his presidential address to the British 
Association for the Advancement of Science in 1957 and in other articles 
in Nature, (3 February, 1962; May 1962 etc.) has considered various pro- 
blems from the point of view of the advanced countries. Professor Stevan 
Dedijer made a penetrating analysis in article in Nature (6 August, 1960) 
and in another article published recentlv in Stockholm, TVF, 22, (1962) 
Mahalanobis I - pag. 33

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