Full text: Statistical manual

Maturities: October 20, 1928 to 1940. 
Interest: April and October 20th. 
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Penn., Conn., Maryland, Dist. Columbia, 
Virginia, Massachusetts. 
Redemption: 105 to 1930; then 104 to 1935; then 103 to 1940. 
Trustee: Straus National Bank and Trust Company. 
Cushman & Wakefield, Inc....... 
W. Albert Pease, Jr......... 
Assessed 1930: $4,550,000. 
Security: Fee estate in ground 290-ft. frontage on 50th Street 
through to 190-ft. frontage on 51st Street, and a 6,000-seat 
super movie theatre under the management of “Roxy,” 
with an entrance from 7th Avenue through the Manger 
Hotel Building (lobby is a lease). 
Junior Liens: 5-yr. 64% Sinking Fund Notes $2,050.000 now 
Earnings: Theatre opened in March, 1927. The 1928 net was 
$607,677. Statement of October 25, 1929, shows earned sur- 
plus, $915,004.55 and current assets, $1,404,137.92. 
Price Range: Januarv-May, 1930—983/4--96. 
Broadway Barclay Office (Transportation) Building 
(Southwest Corner Broadway and Barclay, New York City) 
First Mortgage 1941 Sinking Fund 6% Bonds 
Amount: $6,750,000—outstanding $6,635,000. 
Dated: February 1, 1926. 
Maturity: February 1, 1941. 
Interest: February and August 1st. 
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Calif,, Conn,, Penn.. Vi., Maryland, D. of 
C., Kas., Ky., Mich., Mass. 
Redemption: 103—for Sinking Fund at 101. 
Trustee: Straus National Bank and Trust Company. 
Pease & Elliman, Inc, land. 
Fred T. Ley & Co., building. 

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