Full text: Procedures in employment psychology

A C 
Abilities 64-75, oo ff Cady, V. M. 8s 
analysis of 65-66 Categories of psychology 90-93 
classification of go ff Chance that a difference is real 171, 262 
general and specific 68-71 Thapman, J. C. 89, 113, 211 
innate and acquired 67-68 Charters, W. W. 66, 72, 153 
relative importance of 71-74 “hauffeur test 107-109, 230 
salesgirls 73-74 ‘Child, E. 84, 171 
shell inspectors 66 ~imbal, W, 60, 85 
Accidents 38, 43-46, 230 -lothier, R. C. 14, 89 
automobile 43-46, 230 Cody, S. 8s 
criteria 38 Zoefficient of alienation 200 
Administering employment methods, Coefficient of association 183, 187 
cost of 218 Coefficient of correlation 
Administering tests see Correlation 
see Procedure Color-blindness test 96 
Advertising, cost of 218 Combining test scores 
Age, disturbing variable 51 see Total scores; Weighting 
Alienation, coefficient of 200 Commissions, as criteria 39 
Allport, F. H. 60, 84, 8s Completion tests 97-98, 100 
Allport, G. W. 60, 83 ~ompound slide rest 105-106 
Analogies tests 99 ~omptometer operator tests 195 
Analogy method of test construction 80-81 ‘ook, H. E. 73 
Analysis of worker 58-75 corporation schools, standing in 34-35 
analysis of abilities 55-06 Correlation 166-169, 174-180, 208-212 
general and specific abilities 68-71 biserial » 182-184, 188 
innate and acquired abilities 67-68 coefficient of association 185, 187 
outline for analysis 60-65 corrected for attenuation 168-169, 188 
abilities 64-65 correlation ratio 184-186, 188 
education and training 62-53 data sheets and forms 174-176 
interests 64 estimating correlation 176-177 
personal data 60-61 factors lowering correlation 189 
personal history 61 fourfold table 179-182, 188 
physical characteristics 63 graphic methods 177 
previous experience 61-62 interpretation of amount 189 
social characteristics 63-64 mean square contingency 185, 188 
purpose 58-50 multiple and partial 208-213 
relative importance of abilities 71-75 probable error 187-189, 211 
Application blank 60-62, 147-148 product-moment 
Army tests 69-70, 89, 93, 132, 191, 216 174-177, 181-182, 187-188 
Assistant buyer, duties of 21-26 range 174 
Association tests 97, 99-100 rank difference 178-179 
Attenuation, correction for 168-169, 188 rank-tangential coefficient 184 
reliability 165-169, 188 
tetrachoric 179-182 
weighting right and wrong answers 187 
Baade 60 Correspondence, cost of 218 
Ballard, P. B. 84 ~oss, J. J. 8s 
Benge, E. J. 40 ~owdery, K. M. 201 
Bezanson, A. 40 Crathorne, A. R. 185 
Bills, M. A. 104-195 Criterion of vocational success 30-41 
Binet-Simon tests 69 college students 37-38 
Biserial » 182-184, 188 criterion applied to a department 47-48 
Blackford, K. M. H. 60, 6- definition 30 
Bonuses, as criteria z disturbing variables 47 
Breakage, as criterion 7 general considerations 42 ff 
Bridges, J. W. ¢ importance 31-33 
Brinton, W. C. 21 postal clerks 35 
Brown, Wm. 164, 167, 177, 18 purpose 30 ff 
Bureau of Personnel Research 8 relative advantages 48 
Burt, C. 84 suggested criteria 33-42 
Burtt, H. E. 84, So accidents 38 
Business information test 82 advancement 40-41 

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