Full text: Procedures in employment psychology

Dep cent Jeales : 126 Standard error 
scale of alternatives 126 172-173, 100-200, 204-2085, 2II 
Scott scale 124-126, 132 of a difference in Si hoi 
uses 122-123, 141-142, 217 tions 172-173, 204-205 
Ream, M. J. 123 of estimate 199-200, 2IT 
References } 233-245 Standardized examinations, as criteria 36-37 
Regression equation and line 197-199, 208  Stenquist, J. L. 93, 100-101, 105 
Regression equation, multiple 208-211, 213 Steps in research procedure 6 if 
Reliability 78-79, 133, 166, Stern, E. 60, 85 
.. 187-189, 200, 205-206, 208, 21x Stern, Wm. 60, 84. 
definition 166 Stockbridge, F. P. 82 
in weighting scores 205-206, 208 Stoddard, G. D. 117 
of correlation 187-189, 211 Stoelting Company 84, 173 
of prediction 200 Sturges, H. A. 177 
of ratings 133 Subjects of the investigation 49-57, 161-162 
of tests 78-79 disturbing variables 5I-53 
see also Reliability coefficient : age Sy 
Reliability coefficient 166-169 literacy 53 
correlation for attenuation 168-169 motor defects 53 
factors which lessen it 166-167 sensory defects 51-52 
relation to length of test 167-168 sex 5I 
relation to range of scores 167 general considerations 56 
Spearman’s prediction formula 167 newly hired versus old 
Responsibility, as criterion 41 employees 54-56, 161-162 
Ringers 55 ringers 55 
Roget 60 sampling 49-51 
Room used for testing 157-159, 223, 225 Symonds, P, S. 85, 89, 124, 211 
Rosanoff, A. J. 100 
Rosenow, C. 21I T 
Rossi, D. I. P. 85 
Rossi, Wm. H. 85 Tables 247-262 
Ruch, G. M. 117 Tabulation 165 
Ruger, G. J. 85 Tagg, M. 105 
Rugg, H. O. 126, 132, 164-165, 174, Tead, O. 13-14 
176-177, 183, 188-189, 199, 217 Terman, L.M. 60, 84-85, 88, 100 
Ruml, B, 84, 171, 182, 184, 200 Tests 69-70, 76-121, 132, 143-144, 
155-162, 166, 179-182, 188, 191, 
205-206, 208,1216-217, 223-224, 230 
S administration of 155-162 
Salaries of interviewers 219 alternative forms 121 
Salesgirls, abilities of 73-74 analogies tests 99 
Sampling method of test construction 80 analogy with ability to be measured 79-82 
Sampling subjects 49-5T army tests 69-70, 89, 93, 132, 191, 216 
Sanford, E. C. 84 arrangement 1n series 121 
Scale of alternatives 126 association tests 97, 99-100 
Scatter diagram 176, 197 ff Binet-Simon tests 69 
Schulze, R. 84 business information test 82 
Scott Company 178-179, 251-258 catch questions 96 
Scott scale 124-126, 122 characteristics of a good test 27 ff, 89 
Scott, W. D. 14, 55, 89, 124 chauffeur test 107-109, 230 
Scovill Manufacturing Co. 39-40, 162 classification of tests go ff 
Scripture, E. W. : 84 ability measured 00-93 
Secretary, duties of 72 apparatus used 93-94 
Sensory defects, as disturbing variable 51-52 purpose 90 
Sex, as disturbing variable ST restrictions on response 9s ff 
Shell inspectors 21, 66 technique 94 
abilities of 66 color blindness test 96 
duties of 2% completion tests 97-98, 100 
Shen, E. 139 compound slide rest 105-106 
Sheppard, W. F. 180 definition 87, 143-144 
Significance of a difference 171, 262 difference between test and experiment 88 
Simplicity of tests 79 directions and fore-exercises 112-115 
Snow, A. J. 43-46, 230 directions tests 102 
Social characteristics, analysis of 63-64 finger dexterity test 106, 108 
Spearman, C. 70, 167, 178 group tests 94 
Spearman’s prediction formula 167 guessing 117 
Spoilage, cost of 219-220 gun pointer test 109-110 
Standard deviation 170-172 individual tests 94 
of a difference in means 171-172 items of test 9s ff 
of a distribution 170 order of I10-II1I 
of a mean 170 performance tests 104-110 
see also Standard-error verbal tests 95-103 

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