Methods of Wage Payments
p &
23. There is a very wide variation in the systems adopted at different
centres with regard to the methods of calculating wages. In the case of
she mills in Bombay City there is first a * basic ” rate to which is added
4 dearness allowance of 80 per cent. for male piece-workers and 70 per
cent. for male time workers and all female workers. Those mills which
grant a good attendance bonus add the amount of the bonus granted to
she gross wage from which, before arriving at the net wage payable,
are deducted any fines that might be inflicted. The term basic ” in
the case of the Bombay mills may be generally considered to apply to
the pre-war year although in the case of some individual mills it might
ipply to any year between 1913 and 1918 when the first increase of
ib per cent. as a dearness allowance was granted.
24. In many mills the percentage addition is calculated on the actual
amount earned on the basic rates, but in some cases the calculation is
nade on whole rupees only and the annas (irrespective of the amount)
ire not taken into consideration. For example, if a woman reeler in
those mills earns Rs. 11-14-0 on the basic rates, the 70 per cent. addition
is calculated on Rs. 11 only and she gets Rs. 19-9-2 instead of Rs. 20-3-0.
After the addition of the dearness allowance, most mills round up tothe
1earest eight annas in payment. In some cases, however, rounding is
fected to the lowest two annas, the differences in cutting being utilised
for welfare work, especially medical aid. In all mills in Bombay City
wages are calculated on a monthly basis and payments are effected from
[2 to 15 days after they become due. In those months where importont
1lidays or festivals occur between the 10th and the 15th, pavment is
fected earlier.
25. In the Ahmedabad mills there is not only a complete lack of
Iniformity in the methods adopted in calculating the different additions
and deductions before arriving at the final earnings, but wide variations
in the methods adopted also exist for different classes of workers in a
particular mill. In the first place there is what is hypothetically called a
“basic ” rate. The term “basic” does not apply to any particular
period for the whole industry. It varies as between groups of occupations
and also between mill and mill. In the case of some occupations the
berm may relate to the pre-war year. In the case of others it may relate
bo any other year. But for particular occupations covered by the awards
of Arbitrators it relates to the date on which an award for a percentage or
a flat rate of increase was granted. Next to the “ basic ”” rate comes the
moghwari or dearness allowance. In the case of certain occupations
and generally in the case of monthly paid workers, this allowance was
tonsolidated with the basic rate and in others it was kept as a separate
item on the muster. Cases commonly occurred where different methods
obtained for different individuals in the same occupation group in a
particular mill. Some mills consolidated one or two of the first increas: