Distribution and Production
in the
Philadelphia Area
Industrial With respect to production and
Areas distribution in industry the
Defined United States divides into many
homogeneous areas which take
their names, as a general rule,
from the principal city contained within their
borders but which exceed in geographical limits
and in commmercial influence the physical boun-
daries of these cities themselves. When we speak
of New York in the industrial sense, for instance,
we do not limit ourselves to the confines of Man-
hattan Island or even to the five boroughs which
make up the city proper. We mean the whole
territory which holds together as a producing and
distributing unit and which extends many miles
up the Hudson River and down the Bay and strikes
inland even into another state.
Similarly when we speak industrially of Phila-
delphia we do not mean the city which William
Penn laid out but that whole territory lying gen-
erally along the Delaware River, embracing parts
of three states, whose functioning is unified by
common interest and identical facilities. :
The This building up of homo-
New geneous districts of a common
Standard interest based on the industrial
andar viewpoint and the gradually
developing consciousness that
they constitute entities broader in scope than the
mere political divisions of city and county which
formerly sufficed, is a sign of the times. The new
tendency has not yet been established long enough
so that the precise boundaries of the various pro-
duction and distribution areas of the country are
exactly defined. But there are steps being taken
in that direction. Official government cognizance
is being taken of the new trend and in the census
of 1930, when the report is finally made, there
will be population and statistical information tabu-
ated on the basis of these industrial or metro-
solitan areas.
The United States Chamber of Commerce is at
present working with the Census Bureau to estab-
lish the determinants which should influence the
definition of such areas. It should be added that
in this publication the Philadelphia Business Prog-
ress Association makes one of the first, if not the
first, contributions to practical work along this
line. As far as there is any definite agreement on
these determinants, the efforts of its Research De-
partment have been directed along lines that con-
form to them. The former determinants, like
arbitrary circles drawn with this or that radius,
have been ignored. It is believed the present study
represents the first attempt to define the Metro-
politan Area and the various distribution areas
of Philadelphia along scientific lines in keeping
with the present-day standards of definition.
mires) er———.
Philadelphia Actual study of conditions that
The Atlantic surround distribution in the
Coast Cent Philadelphia Area has led to
oast Lenter he conclusion that from Phila-
delphia you can reach more
people with less effort than from any other great
distribution center in the country. Let us see why
that is so.
The Philadelphia Area occupies a strategic posi-
tion with regard to distribution to the great markets
of the country east of the Mississippi. These may
be roughly defined as northern, middle western and
southern, stated in the order of their relative im-
The distribution advantage of Philadelphia with
respect to these great market divisions is that it is
a seaboard city, central to all of them.
Baltimore may be taken as the industrial city
at the gateway to the southern market. New York
may be considered similarly with respect to the
northern market, embracing also the New England
states. Philadelphia, lying midway between these
two, is in the strategic position of being able to
reach these two great markets with greatest ease.
As to
Pittsburgh and Buffalo might
be considered the gateways to
the mid-west and the seaboard
cities have no material advant-
age one over the other in reach.
ing these two points, except perhaps New York,
Philadelphia and Baltimore, which are for all prac-
ical purposes on a parity and have some advant-
1ge over Boston in access to the Pittsburgh gateway.