fullscreen: Study week on the econometric approach to development planning

where A’ is the transpose 
vector of net outputs, then 
if we use 
vv to denote the 
(IV. 10) 
on premultiplying (IV. 9) by q. The elements of y are now ti. 
be related to the labour and capital inputs they require. 
In our original exposition [7] (where, incidentally, we did 
not distinguish between q and y), we proposed to relate outputs 
to primary inputs by a modified form of the CoBB-DoUGLAS 
function. This modification, proposed by PITCHFORD in [31] 
and by ARROW and others in [1], is designed to generalise 
the CoB-DoucLas function so that the elasticity of substitu- 
tion between labour and capital, though still a constant, need 
no longer be numerically equal to one. This type of function 
can be written in the form 
(IV. 1... 
— Lt 
0 {. Vs 
where the suffix s denotes the s’th element of each vector. 
Thus y, denotes the net output of industry s, and /, and k, 
denote respectively the inputs of labour and capital into in- 
dustry s. The three parameters a, b, and c, can be given an 
economic connotation: a, is associated with the efficiency with 
which labour and capital are used in industry s; b, is associated 
with the shares of labour and capital in the net output of in- 
dustry s; and c, is associated with the substitution of labour 
and capital in industry s. The elasticity of substitution between 
labour and capital in industry s is equal to (1 +c,)7", and so, 
as c,>o (IV.11), approaches the simple form of the CoBB- 
DoucLAS function. 
1] Stone - pag. 45

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