Full text: The reconstruction of agriculture in the Soviet Union

state grain farms. They are as follows per 100 rubles 
of products: 
Wages occ 
Beds mummies 
AMOTtiZation ew. 
PRI  cmmmsinisinmmmmmmmm——————————————————— 
Sundry materials i 
9 BA, 
Thus, a large portion of the cost of production of 
the state grain farms is made up of items representing 
industrial products. This causes a state grain farm 
to stand out as a distinct and new type of economy in 
comparison with those types which were hitherto the 
rule in agriculture. 
The Soviet state has boldly carried over the ex- 
perience of large-scale industrial production into agri- 
culture. When this question was up for consideration 
in 1928, the majority of the big specialists in agricul- 
ture, having agreed to the exceptional importance of 
such an approach to the problem of grain-raising, 
emphasized that at the same time this would be a first 
experiment and hence its success could not be guaran- 
But the provision of ample resources for this mode 
of grain-raising proved of decisive importance in se- 
curing a solution of the grain problem as a whole, in- 
asmuch as the mass collective farm movement which 
at this period took the form of small collective farms, 
was thus afforded a clear demonstration of the ad- 
vantages of real large-scale farming. The state grain 
farms in a practical way answered the question as to 
the possibilities and advantages of large-scale socialist 

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