Full text: Investing at its best and safeguarding invested capital

i4 Investing at its Best and 
then - losses have occurred through adopting defective 
investment methods, and are not likely to be retrieved 
by continuing on the plan that has proved a failure. 
Such a policy is obviously unwise, and they should 
forthwith set about improving their position. Never 
theless, they would do well to take nothing for granted. 
They should not adopt a new method of investment until 
they have satisfied themselves, by personal investiga 
tion, that it is fundamentally sound in theory, and has 
during a number of years, and in an overwhelming 
majority of cases, actually produced a stable income, 
safety of capital, and ability to realise, without loss, a 
portion of the capital invested. 
That the system of Geographical Distribution of 
Capital has produced these results is proved on 
undeniable authority, as the reader can easily ascertain, 
in the manner hereafter mentioned. 
To begin an entirely new list of investments on geo 
graphical principles is a very simple matter. The amount 
of capital to be invested indicates automatically the 
number of stocks to be held, and governs also the 
number of geographical areas to be covered. In his 
book, “ All About Investment,”*’ the originator of the 
system gives detailed instructions upon these points. 
The quality of the stocks to be selected is determined 
according to the income yield which the investor desires, 
and to the other objects which he wishes his investments 
to secure for him. 
* Published at 2, Waterloo Place, London, S.W. Price Is. Obtainable 
from all booksellers and bookstalls.

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