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Security: Leasehold estate in plot on the southeast corner of 
Fifth Avenue and 61st Street, 100 x 270, lease extending to 
1950 with two renewal options of 20 years each—ground 
rent on sliding scale, the average during the bond term 
being $322,619.05. On this site is the new 4l-story Hotel 
Pierre, with 738 guest rooms, and other public space. 
Earnings: The building is about completed, so that no earning 
statement will be available for at least a year. The manage- 
ment is experienced, high-grade and bespeaks successful 
Price Range: January-May, 1930—97-97. 
Fox Office Building 
(New York City) 
First Mortgage Fee 1942 Sinking Fund 6% Bonds. 
Amount: $1,700,000. 
Dated: January 1, 1927. 
Maturity: January 1, 1942. 
Interest: January and July 1st. 
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Conn., Penn., Maryland, Mass. 
Redemption: 103 to 1930; then 10214 to 1933; then 102 to 1936; 
101% to 1939; 101 to 1941; par thereafter. 
Trustee: Guaranty Trust Company. 
Assessed 1930: $940,000. 
Appraised: $1,853,474. 
Security: Fee estate in land fronting on Tenth Avenue be- 
tween 55th and 56th Streets, 200 feet on Tenth Avenue, 
south frontage on 55th Street 275 feet, and north frontage 
on 56th Street 293 feet—three-story concrete building used 
for laboratories, offices, studios. etc. 133,500 square feet of 
Hoor space. 
Earnings: Building leased to Fox Film Corporation for three 
years beyond bond term, at net annual rental of $300,000 
plus taxes, operating expense, etc. The bond interest 
amounts to $152,236. 
Fox Film Corporation owns the stock of the obligor, Fox 
Film Realty Corporation, and its earnings are reported in 
Standard Statistics, as averaging $3,040,773 per annum for 
last seven wvears.

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