Full text: Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Roumania, with protocol, protocol of signature and exchange of notes

force immediately on exchange 
of ratifications. 
in vigoare imediat dup# schimbul 
de ratificiri, 
Drept care, plenipotentiarii 
respectivi au semnat Protocolul 
de fatd si au depus sigiliile lor. 
In witness whereof the respec- 
tive plenipotentiaries have signed 
the present Protocol and have 
affixed thereto their seals. 
Done at London the 6th day of 
August, 1930, in duplicate in both 
Euglish and Roumanian, both 
‘exts being authentic. 
Ficut in dublu exemplar la 
Londra, tn zina de 6 August, 1930, 
att in limba romini cit gi in 
cea englezd, ambele texte fiind 

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