Denmark and Iceland, touching at Reykjavik and many of the more
important ports on the western and northern coasts of the country.
For many years the United Steamship Company was the only com-
pany running ships regularly between Iceland and other countries;
but for the last thirty years other companies, either Danish or Nor-
wegian, have also kept up some sort of regular service to the country.
This, however, has not been without interruptions, and the , United“
has often been left alone in the field. When it began to be realized
that it might be awkward to depend almost solely on one foreign
company - for regular mail service with other countries, the Icelandic
Steamship Company Ltd. was formed in 1914 (Eimskipafélag [s-
lands). Participation was general in Iceland, for shares were issued
for small amounts. Icelanders in America also bought a great number
of shares, and even the Icelandic government took some. The company
started business in 1915 with two ships, and during the Great War
when communication with European countries became difficult and
dangerous, they sent their ships to America; but these voyages were
discontinued when peace was again restored. In spite of various diffi-
culties with which the young company has had to grapple, its progress
has been steady; it has now four steamers, and the fifth is soon to be
added to the number. The company’s ships are called by various
waterfalls or “forces” in Iceland (Gullfoss, Godafoss, Briarfoss, Sel-
foss, and Dettifoss). The Eimskipafélag keeps up a regular steam com-
munication between Iceland on the one hand and Denmark, Great
Britain and - Hamburg on the other. During the present year 61 re-
gular trips between Iceland and foreign countries are planned by the
company with many ports of call in Iceland.
Since 1908 the Bergen Steamship Company (Det Bergenske Damp-
skibsselskab) has had two steamers regularly running between Iceland
and Norway; one of them now makes fortnightly trips between Reykja-
vik and Bergen; the other 8 yearly trips, in each of which she calls
at a number of ports on the Icelandic coasts.
One steamer, run at the expense of the State, makes 17 yearly trips
round the coasts, calling at a number of ports not touched at by ships
engaged in the foreign trade. Besides this there are 10 other ships
and boats which enjoy government grants for keeping up the local
communication in various firths and bays.