fönen, die den genannten Staaten angehören, oder für
solche oder zu ihren Gunsten betrieben werden,
so wird hiemit folgendes verordnet:
1. In dieser Verordnung bedeutet:
a) „feindlicher Ausländer" jede Person deutscher
oder österreichisch-ungarischer Staatsange
b) „Liquidationsausschuß" solche Personen, die
zur Liquidierung der Geschäfte feindlicher
Ausländer berufen sind.
2. Vom Tage dieser Verordnung ab ist in der
Kolonie unbedingt jede Ausführung von Geschäften
durch feindliche Ausländer, für solche oder zu ihren
Gunsten verboten, insoweit es nach Ermeffen des Liqui-
dationsausschusses nicht für die Liquidierung der Ge
schäfte selbst erforderlich sein sollte.
3. Alle Geschäfte, die nach vorstehendem bisher
von feindlichen Ausländern, für solche oder zu ihren
Gunsten betrieben worden sind, sind sobald als möglich
und durchführbar von dem Liquidationsausschuß oder
unter seiner Oberaufsicht und Überwachung zu liquidieren.
4. Die Vermögensmassen der so aufgelösten Ge
schäfte sind von dem Liquidakiousausschufse zu sammeln,
bis darüber durch Anweisung des Gouverneurs Ver
fügung getroffen wird.
(Trinidad, and Tobago Gazette Extraordinary vom
31. Oktober 1914.)
(Nachrichten für Handel, Industrie und Landwirtschaft
Nr. 31, vom 24. April 1915.)
Australischer Staateubuud.
Talents. War Measures, Statutory R u 1 e
No. 174. Effective N o v. 19, 1914,
Provisional Regulations und er tbe Patents Act 1903-
1909, and the Patents, Trade Marks and Designs
Acts 1914.
I, Sir Arthur Stanley, the duly-appointed Depnty
of the Governor-General, in accordance with the pro-
visions of the Constitution, acting with the ad vice of
the Federal Executive Council, hereby certify that, on
account of urgency, the following Regulations ander
the Patents Act 1903-1909 and the Patents,
Trade Marks and Designs Acts 1914
should come into Operation as from the date of the
commencement of the Patents, Trade Marks
and Designs Acts 1914, und make the Regu
lations to come into Operation as from that date as
Provisional Regulations.
Dated this third day of December, One thousand
nine hundred and fourteen.
Patents (Temporary) regulations.
Statutory Rules 1914. No. 174.
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Patents
(Temporary) Regulations 1914.
2. In these Regulations—
„Person means“ and includes. in addition to the
meaning thereto given by section twenty-two of the
Acts Interpretation Act 1901, any Depart
ment of the Government of the Commonwealth or of
a State.
3. (1) Tne Minister may, on the application of
any person, and subject to such terms and conditions.
if any, as he thinks fit, Order the avoidance or Suspen
sion, in whole or in pari, of any patent or licence
the person entitled to the benefit of which is a subject
of any State at war with the King, and the Minister,
befere granting any such application, may require to
be satisfied on the following heads: —
(a) That the patentee or licensee is a subject of a
State at war with the King;
(b) That the person applying intends to manufacture,
or cause to be manufactured, the patented article,
or to carry on, or cause to be carried on, the
patented process; and
(c) That it is in the general Interests of the Common
wealth or of a section of the Community, or of
a trade, that such article should be manufactured
or such process carried on as aforesaid^
(2) The fee to be paid on any such application
shall be that specified in the First Schedule to these
(3) An application ander this Regulation shall
be in accordance with the form in the Second Schedule
to these Regulations, and shall be filed at the Patent
4. (1) The Minister may, at any time, in bis
absolute discretion, revoke any avoidance or Suspen
sion of any patent or licence ordered by him.
(2) For 1he purpose of exercising in any case the
powers of avoiding or suspending a patent or licence,
the Minister may appoint such person or persons as
he thinks fit to hold an inquiry.
(3) Any application to the Minister for the avoi
dance or Suspension of any patent or licence may
be referred for hearing and inquiry to such person or
persons as aforesaid, who shall report thereon to the
5. Notwithstanding anything in these Regulations
contained, the Minister may, at any time, if in his
absolute discretion he deems it expedient in the
public Interest so to do, order the avoidance or Sus
pension in whole or in pari of any such patent or
licence upon such terms and conditions, if any, as he
thinks fit.
6. In any case in which the Minister makes an
order in pursuance of the Patents, Trade Marks
and Designs Acts 1914 avoiding or suspending
a patent in whole or in pari, the Minister may, in his
discretion, grant in favour of persons, other than the
subject of any State at war with the King, licences to
make use, exercise or vend the patented Invention so
avoided or suspended upon such terms and conditions,
and either for the whole term of the patent or for
such less period as the Minister thinks fit.
7. The Minister may, at any time during the con-
tinnance of these Regulations, direct the Commissioner