Full text: The financial productivity of public utility companies

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__ Ratios Lxpressed as Percentages 
Cuart le—FreqQueEncy DistriBuTiONs OF THE REVENUE-TO-ASSETS 
Ratios oF Pusric UriLity Companies By Tyre oF ComPANY 
These similarities so readily perceived in the chart are also evi- 
denced in the figures in the table. In gas and electric and traction 
companies the largest group is 12-15. The modal averages of these 
two distributions are nearly identical although there is some differ- 
ence in the proportion of cases in the two modal groups; for gas and 
electric companies 18.6 per cent of the cases fall in the modal group and 
22.7 per cent for traction companies. In contrast with this showing the 
holding company distribution plainly shows the largest group between 
.04 and .07. This is materially lower than the showing of the other com- 
panies and consequently the modal average (5.8 cents per dollar) is 
likewise lower. 
The distinct tendency of holding companies toward the lower ratios 
of revenue to total assets 1s shown again in the proportion of cases 
which falls below a certain ratio as follows: 
Gas and 
Percentage of cases: Electric Traction Holding 
(1) below a ratio of .16.. 47% 50% 81% 
(2) below a ratio of 24.. 79% 84% 94% 
A very considerable portion of the ratios for each type of company 
is concentrated within a comparatively narrow range. Between a ratio 
of .08 and one of .24 there is a range of only .16. Within that area there 
are 65 per cent of the gas and electric cases, 72 per cent of the traction 

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