The High Contracting Parties
agree that in all matters relating
to commerce, navigation and in-
lustry, the carrying on of any
description of business, and the
axercise of professions or occupa-
tions in conformity with the laws
in force, any privilege, favour or
immunity which either of the
High Contracting Parties has
actually granted, or may hereafter
grant, to the ships and subjects
or citizens of any other foreign
country shall be extended, simul-
taneously and unconditionally,
without request and without
compensation, to the ships and
subjects of the other, it being
their intention that their relations
shall be placed in all respects on
the footing of the most favoured
foreion country.
The subjects of each of the
High Contracting Parties in the
erritories of the other shall be
at full liberty to acquire and
possess every description of pro-
perty, movable and immovable,
which the laws of the other High
Contracting Party permit, or
shall permit, the subjects or
citizens of any other foreign
country to acquire and possess.
I'hey may dispose of the same
by sale, exchange, gift, marriage,
testanient, or in any other
manner, or acquire the same by
inheritance, under conditions not
less favourable than those which
are, or shall be, established with
recard to subjects of the other
High Contracting Party or sub-
jects or citizens of the most
‘favoured foreign country.
They shall not be subjected in
any of the cases mentioned in the
foregoing paragraph to any taxes,
imposts or charves of whatever
Inaltele Pirti Contractante
onvin ca, in toate chestiunile
privitoare la comer, navigatie,
r.dustrie, si orice fel de intre-
prindere, cdl si la exercitarea
profesiunilor sau ocupatiunilor, in
onformitate cu legile in vigoare,
rice privilegiu, avantagiu sau
‘munitate, acordati actualmente
le oricare dintre Inaltele Parti
Jontractante, sau pe care le-ar
outea acorda in viitor, vaselor si
supusilor sau cetdtenilor oricirui
alt stat striin, si fie extinse,
simultan si neconditionat, fara
serere §i fird compensatie, asuyra
vaselor si supusilor celeilalte
Parti, fiilnd in intentia lor de a
pune raporturile lor, in toate
privintele, pe baza situatiunei
atatuliai strain celui mai favorizat.
ARrTicoLuL T.
Supusii fiecdreia dintre Inaltele
Parti Contractante, pe teritoriile
Jeleilalte, vor avea deplind liber-
tate de a dobAndi si poseda orice
fel de proprietate, mobili sau
'mobild, pe care legile celeilalte
{nalte Parti Contractante permit,
sau vor permite, si dobindeascd
si si posede supusgii sau cetitenii
yricdrui alt stat striin—Ei vor
putea dispune de ele prin vanzare,
jchimb, donatie, cisitorie, testa~
ment sau in orice alt wod, si le
jobandeasci prin mogtenire, in
sonditiuni nu mai putin favora-
hile decht acelea care sunt sau
vor fi. stabilite cu privire la
supugii celeilalte Inalte Parti
Jontractante, sau supusii ori
setitenil celui mai favorizat stat
Ei nu vor fi supusi, in niciunul
din cazurile previzute la alineatul
de mal sus, la nici o taxi,
impunere san dare de orice fel.